What to Do When You Just Landed in Mactan Cebu

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How Do I Get from Mactan to Cebu City?

There are no trains or boats. If you want to get into the city during daylight, you’re going to be stuck in traffic. Below are your options, afterward some example rides. Find out the 7 Ways to Get from Mactan Airport to Cebu City.

Grab Car: Hassle-free

Grab is the local Uber, a smartphone app to hail taxis and private cars. One advantage is that you can pay per credit card, which avoids the problem that drivers often don’t have change.

Grab on the Apple app store | Grab on the Android app store

GrabTaxi or GrabCar?

  • In our experience, GrabCars are regularly clean and hassle-free.
  • There is currently a surcharge of P40 for GrabTaxi.
  • You’ll likely be stuck in traffic. The taxi meter will keep running, while the charge for GrabCar is known up front.

Taxi: Take the white one

There are two kinds of taxis, white and yellow. If you want to take a taxi, take a white one.

Pros and Cons?

The white taxis are cheaper, but there is usually a queue.

The more expensive yellow ones are supposedly nicer, and it’s usually no waiting. They’re quite pushy in advertising their services, which I don’t appreciate after a flight.

MyBus: Cheaply to SM City or SM Seaside

If you want to go to or near the two SM malls SM City and SM Seaside, consider using the MyBus service.

Setup by the SM malls to shuttle customers to them, they cost only P30, and are stuck in traffic just as a GrabCar would be.

How Long Does It Take to Get from Mactan to Cebu City and How Much Does It Cost?

To set expectations, I’m listing some example rides I’ve taken.

  • GrabCar to near Castle Peak Hotel, in Mabolo on a Thursday morning, 10:40 am. Duration: 1:15h. Cost: P351 (< $7). (January 2019)
  • GrabCar to near Park Mall, Mandaue on a Tuesday morning, 10:52 am. Duration: 41m. Cost: P259 ($5). (February 2019)
  • Taxi from airport to Murals in Mabolo on Tuesday evening, 08:10 pm. Duration: 34m. Cost: P255. (September 2019)

Where Can I Store My Luggage in Mactan Airport?

Inside the domestic arrival terminal, the luggage storage booth is located near Jollibee inside the terminal. The name is “Ibales Luggage Handling Services”. If you face the exit, it’s on the right side.

It’s open 24 hours and storing a backpack costs ₱175 ($) for 2h, and ₱375 for 10h.

For more details and options in the city read about luggage storage in Cebu.

Where to Find the Best Coffee and Food in Cebu?

Flying is exhausting, isn’t it. If your hotel is near IT Park, drop by Abaca Baking Company in Crossroads. Good food, good service, safe and easy.

Find out more by reading Ultimate Cebu Itinerary: The Really Frugal Solo Traveler’s Guide

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